Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcome 2010-Safety Tips for New Year's Eve

It is New Year's Eve once again. This age-old tradition of celebration revives old dreams and rekindles new hopes, and with tonight's blue moon arraigning over the festivities, the excitement of saying goodbye to 2009 and bringing in 2010 is definitely in the air. Staying safe should also be on most people's minds this day, and as a reminder to all, there are a couple of key elements that will keep this night a special one and not one you will want to forget.

Number One: Don't Drink and Drive
All right, admittedly, that is a statement drilled in by society over and over again. But, because of its severity and potential consequences, don't you think it needs to be? If you are going out to meet friends, and if you haven't already done so, decide AHEAD of time who is the designated driver. Right Now. Draw straws, alternate years, play rock, paper, scissors . . . whatever it takes. Enjoying yourself does not have to be based on alcohol, but driving home safely does.

Number Two: Watch the Fireworks
Watch them, but still "watch out" for them. Fireworks can be as dangerous now as they are on the 4th of July. The snow and cold doesn't mean they cannot still blow up in your face or remove a finger. They also still bother the animals in your neighborhood. Take the same safety precautions that you do in the summer. If you are leaving the house, provide a secure environment for your pets (music, white noise, extra toys) just in case someone celebrates in your neighborhood with loud and pretty party favors.

Number Three: Safety is a Choice
We cannot know what will happen in the future, and some say we can't even alter it's path. But others say there are ways that we can lower the percentages of dangers. If it is icy and 10 below zero? You may want to keep those high-heels in your closet until next year and wear those cute black pants you have, not the short dress. Also, blankets and extra clothes in your car could really make a differences if that snow drift walks out in front of your path.

Final words of advice? Enjoy the evening, howl at the moon, laugh with strangers, cuddle with loved ones. And don't just make new year's eve resolutions; live them. To quote Nike's famous slogan, "Just Do It."

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