Thursday, March 25, 2010

Landscaping Your Home for Security

Winter is officially over, the Robins are pulling worms, and there have been sightings of flying bugs. Your crocuses have bloomed, daffodils are opening and you can't wait to get out in the yard to begin this season's landscaping projects.

While you are laying out new plans and cultivating your brain for full-steam ahead this landscaping season, don't forget to think about security.

How can landscaping affect your security? Just remember the bottom line: if you have a lot of hiding places and secluded areas in your outdoor paradise then it is probably not deterring the criminal element.

Bad guys like areas that are overgrown and shadowed so they can watch, or "case," the residence. Some people even would argue that the more overgrown the area is, the more likely it will appeal to intruders. Perhaps they are thinking they'll find an open or "loose" window push open; perhaps they think that no one lives there. What ever their thoughts, they are able to linger in the bushes while deciding what to do.

If you are the type of person who likes a secluded area with a lot of shrubbery, you may want to consider utilizing lighting effects to enhance the area in the dark. Motion lights are excellent because they are not glowing constantly and only come on when tripped. Not only does this help lower electricity usage but it may startle someone enough to make them leave.

There is a fine line between privacy and seclusion. Keep your home well lit and maintained. Remember, the best security measure is prevention.

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