Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Safety Tips and Treats

Halloween falls on an unseasonably warm day this year which will help bring the "trick or treaters" out in groves this evening. We have compiled a few reminders to keep your kids (or yourself) safe, along with a few fun facts about the holiday itself.

Tip #1: For those of you who don't have children, Slow Down. These small devils and vampires will be patrolling the streets and may pop out anytime behind parked cars.
TREAT : Halloween originated in Ireland and started with the Celtic culture and the "Druid" religion whose belief was that on October 31st (their "New Year's Eve) all the spirits who died that year would rise up and roam the earth. The Lord of Darkness, Lord Samhain, would arrive that night to gather these spirits and take them to the underworld. 
Tip #2: Those glow-in-the-dark sticks are great to give to children to help provide visibility at night.
TREAT: Because of the superstitious black cat stories and beliefs, most animal shelters will not allow adoption of black cats near the end of October.
Tip #3: Don't go out alone. There is safety (and strength) in numbers. For young kids it is especially wise to stay with friends, neighborhood pals or Mom and Dad.
TREAT: Do you believe in haunted houses? There are several famous "haunts" in Kansas City, one being the Sauer Castle in Shawnee. The Sauer Castle is said to have numerous ghost stories associated with it starting back in the 1930s. These stories have since been discredited, but the old mansion still draws much attention from thrill-goers. The Castle was placed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1977.
Tip #4: Candles in Jack O'Lanterns can be fun, but keep them off the porch and away from flowing gowns and floppy pant legs. Flame-resistant costumes are available to purchase, as well.
TREAT: Did you know that Pumpkins were once recommended for removing freckles and curing snake bits? Also, the first Jack O'Lanterns were actually turnips.
Tip #5:  Plan out the routes that your children should take, and slip a piece of paper in their outfit with their name, address and phone number.
TREAT: Halloween is also the birthday of Atronic Alarms General Manager, Nell Mathews. Nell has been with the company for over 20 years.
Atronic Alarms wishes everyone a Safe and Happy Halloween.

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