Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Access Control Systems for Your Business

Monitoring and restricting entry into certain areas of your building helps you manage your business more safely and efficiently. Access control is usually known as "keyless" entry because you provide keyfobs or cards to people, not keys. To enter / exit an area, the access control reader "reads" your keyfob or card and the door unlocks. You can also use it to open and close warehouse gates.

Alysia LaRock, marketing and sales assistant for Atronic Alarms, Inc.,
presents her card to the reader to unlock the back door to the office.
Photo by Rick Zink, commercial security consultant.
Access control systems are usually the second layer of security and are perfect for:
    •    Retail Shopping Centers
    •    Schools and Campuses
    •    Hospitals
    •    Daycare Facilities
    •    Warehouse/Manufacturing Plants
    •    Restaurants
    •    Businesses

It is also perfect for restricted access into certain areas of the building, like file rooms, IT rooms or other areas of sensitivity.

Keyfobs or cards can be managed electronically through a web-based program allowing you remote access at any time. Adding or removing people to the system is far less expensive then re-keying a door if one of your employees loses a key. (It is also easier than fumbling around for keys or remembering different security codes.)

At the end of the day you can get a list of people who entered and exited different areas of the building and the time of day it was recorded. You can also receive these notifications on your web-enabled smart phone.

Atronic Alarms has many different solutions for access control depending upon the application. Contact the office for more information at 913.362.0000.

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