Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wow . . . It's a Live Person!

Automated Voice Mail. Automated Voice Systems. "Press '1' for service; Press '2' for sales; Press '3' if it is an emergency . . .

We are living in a world where phone automation is the norm for most businesses. Some, however, have held on to the belief that a live person answering the phone is actually an outstanding, if not preferred, way to greet callers.

At Atronic Alarms, you will be disappointed if you call in expecting to get an automated voice answering system. You won't get to push buttons for the proper department or call back 2 or 3 times because you were disconnected.

Instead, you will likely get Iris, the front desk receptionist who handles the phone with ease and politely answers your questions or directs you to the person who can.

Sometimes you will get Alysia, who moved from the front desk into marketing and sales. Then there is Chrissy, the monitoring coordinator, who will answer the phone when Iris is on the other line.

You see, Atronic still has this old fashioned belief that a real person can help another real person far more efficiently and with a much higher level of satisfaction than an automated voice. And not only that, but these people are nice.

In fact, on occasion you may hear Barb, the accounting manager, answer the phone, or Nell, the general manager. Todd and Neil have even picked up the phone. A call coming in is a client needing help. Ringing phones do NOT go unnoticed at Atronic Alarms.

As for Perry? He is in the back office with a phone to his ear, but he has picked up that receiver once or twice if everyone else is busy, "Atronic Alarms, this is Perry."

Can you say that for most company presidents?

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